Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Spiderman 2

Weekend emarin sempat nonton film ini lagi ... nemenin istri ... :-). Berikut kutipan salah satu dialog menarik film ini, kata-kata dari Bibi Peter Parker:

Too few characters out there, flying around like that, saving old girls like me. And Lord knows kids like Henry need a hero. Courages, self-sacrificing people, setting example for all of us.

Everybody loves a hero. People line up for them, cheer them, scream their names. And years later, they'll tell how they stood in the rain for hours, just to get a glimpse of the one, who taught them to hold on a second longer.

I believe there is hero in all of us, that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride. Eventhough sometimes we have to be steady and give up the things we want the most. Even our dreams.

Hebat ya ... bagusnya film ini memang aspek manusiawinya. Di akhir film ini, Mary Jane berkata pada Peter Parker alias Spiderman, "Isn't it about time somebody saved your life?"

Meskipun jagoan, tetap saja Spiderman adalah manusia yang memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan ... :-)


igunone said...

spt kata pepatah: "Rocker juga manusia ...". Sedang kalo kata Mike&The-Mechanics: "No body is perfect, All of the time ..."

Lili said...

nontonnya di DVD kan yah pak?
soalnya di bioskop mah udah keliwat..hi..hi. wah mesra banget nonton berdua istri...

zuki said...

@Lili: Umi, iya nonton di DVD. Mesra sama istri? Ya jelas dong ... hehehe

Dini said...

Ya ampun... dini malah baru nonton yang pertama, malem minggu lalu kebetulan diputer di Nine
Tadinya Superhero favoritku si Batman, karena dia natural, tapi setelah nonton Spiderman, dia lebih human ya, n efeknya itu loh...hehe... One good thing about Hollywood, making dreams come true :)-

zuki said...

@dini: hollywood? betul kalau pas filmnya yang berkualitas. Kalau pas yang jelek banget .. ya parah juga ... :-)